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New family law Critical Incident List

Media Release: New family law Critical Incident List to help make arrangements for children during a time of crisis

The Federal Circuit and Family Court of Australia have issued a statement about a new process to helpmake arrangements for children where no parent is available as a result of death, critical injury, or incarceration relating to family violence:

Media Release: New family law Critical Incident List

Court orders are often needed during these times of crisis. The Federal Circuit and Family Court of Australia can make orders about where children live, as well as orders for parental responsibility which will enable non-parent carers to make appropriate arrangements for children, including enrolling children in school and organising and consenting to medical treatment. [...]  READ MORE →

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The role of a divorce lawyer in raising a Kennon argument for contributions in property proceedings

Consulting a divorce lawyer after a high conflict relationship can be daunting. There is a great amount of legal factors to consider when separating from your partner. When the relationship has broken down, engaging in negotiations can be both tiresome and overwhelming.

Family violence is unacceptable in all contexts, so it is important to understand how the Court will deal with the occurrence of such acts when determining property settlement. The landmark decision in Kennon & Kennon is not unfamiliar to a divorce lawyer. It establishes a foundation for appropriate adjustments to contributions in a relationship when acts of violence are occurring. The Court will only consider adjustments if the party seeking it can demonstrate: [...]  READ MORE →

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Domestic Violence

Domestic Violence is now recognised as a serious and widespread problem in Australia impacting the individual, their family unit and the community at large.

Husband or Wife, Mother or Father, Child or Teenager – Everyone has a right to be safe from any type of violence.

Yet there are many people who do not seek help for a myriad of reasons. Often the case is that victims are fearful of breaking up and leaving the family unit, especially when there are children involved. Sometimes the thought of attempting to escape can be too daunting. Others don’t consider leaving because they do not believe that their circumstances amount to any real domestic violence. [...]  READ MORE →

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Domestic Violence and Family Law Lawyers

There is a great deal of focus both by the media and by Courts on domestic violence issues for families and the law.

The Federal Government announced significant funding in the first half of 2017 to provide support, assistance and guidance to both victims of domestic violence and partners where an issue of domestic violence has been raised in the proceedings.

The purpose of the funding is to ensure that all parties have access to both support and education where appropriate in order to reduce the impact on families of domestic violence. [...]  READ MORE →