Planning - Recommended - 2024


Our specialist team delivers cost effective legal services to Local Councils in New South Wales regarding all aspects of the following areas:

  • The powers and duties of Council under the Local Government Act 1993.
  • Council governance
  • Probity issues
  • Tendering
  • Prosecutions
  • Property & redevelopment
  • Waste disposal and collection contracts
  • Planning advice/appeals
  • Commercial issues and documentation

At Matthews Folbigg you can be confident in knowing that our Solicitors have the right skills, knowledge and expertise – so you’ll have the best legal representation to fight for what you deserve!

More Information

Local Council’s across New South Wales use our services in a wide range of instances including Class 1 Development appeals in the Land and Environment Court. We provide our services to best meet the needs of our clients in development appeals to achieve positive outcomes.

Local Councils across New South Wales use our expertise in relation to compulsory acquisitions to undertake its rights and responsibilities under the law.  We have an in depth understanding of the steps required to be taken a compulsory acquisitions and can advise our clients to ensure any issues that arise are resolved.

We advise Local Councils across New South Wales in relation to a wide range of planning issues and can deliver positive outcomes for our clients.

Our Local Government clients use our land use planning services because:

1)      We assist them to navigate the complexities within the system;

2)      We find solutions to problems;

3)      Our advice is timely and is given directly by our experienced team members.

We enable our clients to deliver urban and regional development that meets community needs.

Our significant local Council client base and involvement with industry bodies ensures that we are up to date with current reforms and practices and able to provide strategic and commercial advice.  We listen to our clients’ aims and work to achieve their goals.

Our services

We are experienced in acting both for applicants and consent authorities in all aspects of planning, including:

  • Strategic Planning
  • Development Contributions
  • Development Appeals
  • Planning Agreements
  • Heritage
  • Native Vegetation
  • Threatened species
  • Subdivision
  • Crown land issues
  • Land compensation
  • Pollution and environmental issues

Our team of expert lawyers have a detailed understanding of the regulatory burden on Local Government and can assist with ensuring our clients meet these requirements.  We are able to effectively manage any legal and compliance issues that arise from regulations on Local Government.

Matthews Folbigg have had extensive experience working with Local Government and as a result have gained an intimate understanding of Local Government workplaces. Our team can advise on all matters relating to workplace safety within the Local Government context.

Matthews Folbigg ‘s extensive experience working shoulder to shoulder with Local Governance has provide a detailed knowledge of the Local Government legal landscape.  Our experts have acquired an in depth understanding of all matters relating to governance and can provide cost effective outcomes to our clients.

Matthews Folbigg have been working with Local Government for many years in all manner of commercial negotiations, commercial transactions and commercial disputes and litigation. Our team of experts in both Local Government and Commercial Law work seamlessly to provide cost effective, efficient and timely advice and assistance in all business and commercial needs of Local Government.

Our dispute resolution team is at the cutting edge of issues and strategies necessary to provide commercially sound and practical legal solutions for local government clients.

Our local government clients use our services because:

1)     We deal with small and complex issues.

2)     We resolve matters cost effectively and within reasonable time frames.

3)     We listen to our clients’ aims and objectives.

Our litigation and dispute resolution advisory services, involve all areas of the following:

  • Local Government Act,
  • Environmental Planning & Assessment Act,
  • Protection of the Environment Operations Act,
  • Road Transport and Related Legislation,
  • Food Act,
  • Companion Animals Act.

We also represent our government clients in industrial disputes, unfair dismissal/unfair contract claims and workplace health and safety prosecutions.

Our team members combine vast experience and an outstanding track record of success in all types of proceedings carried out in the Local, District, Supreme, Federal and Land and Environment Courts, Industrial Relations Commission as well as various tribunals.

Councils across NSW use our services either where they are the regulator or the operator with environmental responsibilities.

We provide a complete range of services in relation to environmental issues and assist in ensuring that environmental obligations are met and addressed as an integral part of operational and development decisions.

We are dedicated to providing advice on the latest environmental and pollution related issues and are recognised for our specialist advice.  We advise on issues relating to contaminated land, pollution control, green leases, wind farms and waste management.

Our dedicated prosecution and enforcement lawyers possess the highest understanding of evidence gathering, rules of evidence and general advocacy necessary to successfully prosecute environmental offences.

We often provide in-house training for enforcement officers and assist with the preparation of protocols and manuals for our clients and provide clear advice on likely outcomes at an early stage of the process to assist our clients to make informed decisions about matters.

Our services

  • Environmental prosecutions and general advice
  • Statutory orders
  • Waste Management
  • Environment protection including pollution
  • Noise
  • Water
  • Contamination and remediation
  • Statutory environmental audits
  • Heritage
  • Species conservation
  • Licences
  • Green leases
  • Wind farms

Get in touch with our Local Government, Property and Planning lawyers today

Or call us today on 1800 300 308