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Divorce lawyer advice after separation and the operation of the ‘clean break’ Principle

Engaging a divorce lawyer when separating from your partner can be daunting. It is important that you understand your legal rights relating to your financial position both in your relationship and moving forward.

The Principle

It is in the Court’s view that it should seek “as far as practicable (to) make such orders as will finally determine the financial relationships between the parties…and to avoid further proceedings between them.” This is referred to as the ‘clean break’ principle under s 81 of the Family Law Act or s 90ST for de facto parties. Specifically, a divorce lawyer will tell you that the general approach of the Court is to avoid issuing long term spousal maintenance orders. In other words, spousal maintenance is not and should not be ordered with the intent that it be payable for life. Instead, it is designed as a temporary order to allow parties to restructure their finances and or living expenses. For example, a spousal maintenance order can be made to cover a period where the party is completing coursework or training which enables him or her to re-enter the workforce. [...]  READ MORE →

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Prenuptial Agreement

Going into a marriage or de facto relationship, couples do not plan to fail, however often couples fail to plan, overlooking benefits that a prenuptial agreement may have.

A binding financial agreement is a way that couples can plan out the potential future rights or obligations of either party in the event that the relationship doesn’t work out. Such an agreement can be made before or after entering the marriage or de facto relationship.

What can the agreement include?

Prenuptial agreements can cover a range of assets, financial resources and liabilities that are often precluded from individuals minds. Such areas other than income that may be addressed by a prenuptial agreement may include: [...]  READ MORE →