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Family Law Lawyer discusses filing and listing of family law proceedings in circuit locations

A long sigh of relief and joy comes from family law lawyers across New South Wales in the wake of new processes entering the profession in 2023.

Commencing in January 2023, parties that wish to commence family law proceedings in circuit locations will be granted the opportunity to choose their first return dates. This can be conducted entirely remotely through accessing the Commonwealth Courts Portal.

Family law lawyers will advise that Circuit lists service rural and regional areas of states in Australia. In other words, they provide legal services and access to the justice system to client’s living remotely. Such a change will bring the same access to the Courts and benefit of the case management pathway like those residing in larger cities. [...]  READ MORE →

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Engaging a family law lawyer in a dispute can be critical to ensuring you fulfil your obligations to the court and its procedures. This will ensure that your matter does not experience significant delays.

What happens if you do not provide a response to the other party?

Negotiating and corresponding with your ex-partner in a dispute can be both tiresome and challenging. Often each party to the relationship will seek legal representation from a family law lawyer so that correspondence can occur efficiently. [...]  READ MORE →

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Assessing the Appropriateness of Applying for a Binding Financial Agreement

If you want to manage your finances either during the course of a relationship or in the event of its breakdown, a binding financial agreement may be of interest. More commonly, phrased a ‘prenuptial agreement or prenup’, this legal document can alter the normal avenue for the division of property and or assets in litigation.

The purposes for which a financial agreement may be appropriate include:

  1. To enable both parties to preserve certain assets of theirs from future claim by the other party, and to limit the agreement to such property (mutual quarantine). This type of agreement is generally enforced to protect the future benefit of any children in previous marriagesand is entered into in conjunction with an agreement under the Succession Act.
  2. To enable one party to preserve from future claim by the other party certain special assets, and to limit the agreement to that purpose (limited unilateral quarantine).
  3. After separation has occurred, the agreement may operate as a release from future spousal maintenance on the condition there is a satisfactory property settlement (release of spousal maintenance).

There are also other instances where a financial agreement may arise as per the Family Law Act 1975, however if parties are separated  court proceedings via an application for consent orders are more suited, as it can simplify enforcement if needed. [...]  READ MORE →

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A family law lawyer understands the dissolution of a relationship brings difficult and unforeseen changes to living arrangements. When there are children to a relationship this task is burdened by the extra question of whom and or where the children will live.

Understandably, it is within the court’s interest that children to a relationship are afforded the opportunity to spend equal and shared time with each parent. This is a presumption that is outlined in s 61DA(1) of the Family Law Act 1975 (Cth) which provides for the court to be conscious of this consideration when making a parenting order. [...]  READ MORE →

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It is not uncommon for family members to engage in business with one another. A family law lawyer is aware of the existence of a provision in the Family Law Act 1975 (Cth) which allows for ‘any other person whose interests would be affected by the making of the order’ to be joined to a proceeding.

It is not ideal to approach a family law lawyer with an intention to go to litigation. However, sometimes the complications that can arise from the breakdown of a relationship may indirectly affect your interests as an external party. [...]  READ MORE →

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A divorce lawyer can advise you of the various provisions in the Family Law Act 1975 (Cth) that allow for the protection of financial resources and matters. Often, when parties enter a relationship there is a discussion about financial resources; how they are to be used in the relationship or how they will be used for the maintenance of children to come from the relationship.

To account for these considerations, a financial agreement can be drafted by a divorce lawyer and signed by the parties. This type of document is a legally enforceable tool that provides a set of conditions for the distribution and future use of monies. [...]  READ MORE →

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A child custody Lawyer details interim parenting applications

A child custody lawyer understands the growing importance of interim parenting applications in the Federal Circuit and Family Court of Australia. This is due to the ever increasing delays in the Courts, processing and finalisation of matters.

What is the expected wait time?

Depending on which registry a matter is filed, some parenting matters before the FCFCOA may take up to 3 years before a matter reaches a final hearing. This means that interim parenting orders govern the parenting arrangements between the parents and the children until a judgment is delivered or an agreement is reached between the parties. [...]  READ MORE →

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A child custody lawyer outlines the presumption and evidence of parentage

In uncommon and unfortunate circumstances a child custody lawyer may be called to advise a client who doubts the identity of the biological parent of their child. When this scenario arises, the law applies a presumption in respect of parentage and the evidence that may be obtained to decide the identity of the biological parent by law.

How does the law determine a presumption?

A child custody lawyer can recognise how the Court is able to make presumptions. More precisely, how the Court will readily make a presumption for the following: [...]  READ MORE →

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A family law lawyer explains de facto relationships before the Court

Parties to a relationship may have differing views as to what stage their relationship is at and the level of commitment each party has towards their relationship. One party may be content to be involved in the relationship, but not wish to commit to the extent that the relationship is granted marital status.

Under the law a declaration of whether parties are in a de facto relationship is not dependent upon the intention of the parties, but rather the circumstances of, and surrounding, the relationship. [...]  READ MORE →

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Sole use and exclusive occupation from the perspective of a separation lawyer

A separation lawyer is often faced with the dilemma of who is able to remain in the matrimonial home following their client’s separation. How and where a client can secure suitable accommodation in circumstances where the other party refuses to leave the former matrimonial home is an issue not uncommon to a separation lawyer.

The situation is made even more challenging when finances are not available to a party to obtain alternative accommodation for himself or herself and/or the children. Obtaining exclusive occupation of the former matrimonial home and effectively evicting your former spouse is a difficult task to achieve. [...]  READ MORE →

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Till Debt Do Us Part: Family Law and Corporate Insolvency

By Jacob Reardon a Solicitor of Matthews Folbigg, in our Insolvency, Restructuring and Debt Recovery Group.

Under section 1337H of the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth) (“the Act”), a Court exercising Federal or State Jurisdiction can transfer a civil proceeding arising under the Act to another Court with appropriate jurisdiction where it considers that it is in the interests of justice to do so. What about where the defendant directors to an insolvent trading claim have commenced family law proceedings between themselves? [...]  READ MORE →

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A Marriage Lawyer outlines spousal maintenance

The dynamic of family relationships is unique in every scenario. Yet you can almost guarantee that a marriage lawyer has been informed of many if not all types of household arrangements. Commonly, in relationships one party will inherit the role of being the ‘breadwinner’. In other words, one party is responsible for providing financial support to the other party and/or to their children.

A confronting reality will then be that despite the breakdown of a relationship, a financially dependent party may remain reluctant to leave. Financial dependency can be a compelling force convincing one party to remain in a relationship although it may not foster a safe environment. [...]  READ MORE →