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Family Law Secretaries in Focus: Tina Skaros

After leaving high school, Tina Skaros undertook her studies at Secretarial school and has applied her skills to the legal field for the past 35 years. Tina has been a secretary for divorce lawyer Carolyn Munk for over 22 years and together they have worked as a team at Matthews Folbigg Lawyers in the Family Law Group for over 11 years. Tina is often the first point of contact for Carolyn’s clients and has developed exceptional communication and organisational skills. Tina has worked predominately in Family Law and prepares Court documents for those seeking a divorce. She is a dedicated and passionate assistant who works closely with clients and their divorce lawyer to progress their parenting and property matters and achieve positive outcomes. Tina also has experience in property settlements after matters have been resolved and now utilises the online PEXA settlement system. [...]  READ MORE →

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Domestic Violence and Family Law

Domestic Violence can affect people of all ages, socioeconomic and demographic groups and unfortunately can often go unreported particularly when it occurs during a relationship with a spouse or partner. However it is not uncommon for historical and current domestic violence to come to light particularly in circumstances of a family law separation. In June 2012, the definition of family violence was amended to include other behaviours that constitute family violence.

The Family Law Act defines Family Violence as “violent, threatening or other behaviour by a person that coerces or controls a member of the person’s family, or causes the family member to be fearful”. The legislation includes behaviours such as stalking, repeated derogatory taunts, intentionally damaging property, causing death or injury to an animal and unreasonably denying a family member of their financial autonomy. With respect to children, the legislation also states that “a child is exposed to family violence if the child sees or hears family violence or otherwise experiences the effects of family violence”. [...]  READ MORE →

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Family Violence and Your Property Settlement Agreement

At the end of a relationship, couples are often faced with the issue of dividing their property. Due to the emotional nature of relationship breakdown, this task often proves tricky for even the best of couples. Where the couple is unable to come to an agreement, the Family Law Act 1975 (Cth) empowers the Court to make a property settlement agreement that it considers appropriate. In coming to a property settlement agreement, the Court considers financial and non-financial contributions to the relationship and the future needs of the parties. The conduct of the parties is generally not a relevant consideration. [...]  READ MORE →

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Domestic Violence Lawyer

Sadly, domestic violence is frequent in many relationships. It can have incredibly traumatic long-term effects on a person and once it has occurred, it quickly falls into a common pattern. However, domestic violence is a serious criminal offence and is neither justifiable nor acceptable. If you are a victim of domestic violence, a domestic violence lawyer at Matthews Folbigg Lawyers can provide you with the legal advice necessary to ensure your protection.

What is domestic violence?

Domestic violence can take many forms. Some of the most common types of domestic violence that a person can experience include: [...]  READ MORE →

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The dangers of the self-litigant accused of domestic violence in custody law

This month, the Law Society of NSW Journal discussed a hot topic issue with the aid of the Women’s Legal Services Australia (WLSA): what happens when your abuser has the right to cross-examine you when seeking their child custody rights?

Unlike other jurisdictions, the Family Law Act 1975 that governs family law holds no provision to protect victims or vulnerable persons from direct cross-examination by a perpetrator. Direct cross-examination is having the person alleged to be an abuser of domestic or family violence communicate questions and demand answers directly from you in the witness box. [...]  READ MORE →

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Leaving relationships of abuse knowing your rights

Leaving a relationship, whether it involves property, children, pets or just yourself, is a difficult and personal decision to make. This decision becomes clouded with further issues when there are allegations of violence or emotional abuse.  Often, these issues mean an individual leaves their home and belongings without obtaining correct advice as to their relationship break down.

In Australia, your partner has no right to:

  • Demand that you leave the shared property or home,
  • Prevent you from leaving the shared home either alone, or with your children, belongings or pets,
  • Prevent you from taking personal documentation, such as your passport, financial documents that may contain shared information, medical information or documentation relating to your children,
  • Prevent you from taking jointly owned property that may assist in your day-to-day care of your children or pets such as bedding,  crockery or clothing,
  • Intimidate you by stating if you leave them they will have you deported due to issues of citizenship and immigration.

It is important to note that the above considerations do not apply if there is a Court order involving any or all of the above concerns. [...]  READ MORE →

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Child Custody Arrangements When Communication Between Parents Breaks Down

Marriage and family relationship breakdown is difficult for everyone, especially for children. Just when they need their parents the most to be able to make good decisions for their future, anger and escalated relationship conflict between the parents can get in the way.

In some cases communication between parents breaks down completely, meaning parents are just unable to put into place the type of child custody arrangements for their children that they need or preventing one parent from seeing the children at all. [...]  READ MORE →